Tuesday 27 October 2015

Unit 78: Digital Graphics for Computer Games


What is a brief?

Client Brief: A list of requirements for the game from your client, an example of this could be "A platform game with five levels".

Own Brief: When you can choose what is put in the game yourself. This is usually just what wasn't mentioned in the client brief for example you might only be given a genre and a number of levels, you would be able to pick things such as characters or weapons.

Market Research: Going out and getting info on games similar to what you're making so you have more ideas on what will and won't work.

Ideas Generation

What would you do next?

Brainstorming: Brainstorming is storing info from your sources such as films, games or books

Mood Boards: A page full of pictures and info about what you are researching

Thumbnail sketches: Thumbnail sketches are sketches of objects as they develop which allows you to see the progress made.

Concept Drawings: These are original sketches of what will be included in the game such as characters, backgrounds, weapons, vehicles and environments.

Legal and Ethical Consideration

Copyright law: A law which gives the creator of a piece of work such as a character design or a logo exclusive access to use that work and the ability to claim compensation from anyone who uses it.

Libel: You aren't allowed to ridicule someone through your work.

How are women portrayed in Games? Despite the increase in the amount of games that portray women in a positive way, most games still seem to use women as a way to add sex appeal to the game.

Intellectual property:An idea(Game in this case) that is protected by law in order to gain recognition and/or financial benefit from its creation.

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